Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winner of the Easter Egg Annie is....

I want to thank all for entering, the winner of this giveaway is Cinnamon Berry Lane Primitives, my hubby drew the winning name tonight for me. So please send me you name and address and I will get this out to you in time for Easter.
I almost forgot, I just bought the new Twilight movie and got engrossed in it, now I can't wait for the next one to come out. I can't wait until True Blood, starts again. I love anything with Vampires and Werewolfs in. My husband thinks I am crazy for watching it. But what does he know.

Thanks again everyone for entering.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Easter Giveaway

Time for another Giveaway.  We have been busy trying to get some  new patterns ready. Hope to give you a peek very soon.  This giveaway is for the Annie's Easter Eggs.  Just leave me a comment and you must be a member of my blog.  I will announce the Winner on Sunday evening. 

I also have got another pattern in e-pattern form.  This one is the Little Raggedies, it will be a special price of $5.00 ppd. for the e-pattern just look on the side bar. 

I have had many requests for a tutorial on beards. I will try to have one ready within the week. I have a couple of Santas that need their whiskers.

If you have any special request on tutorials, please let me know.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to age with Brown shoe paste polish

I have had several emails asking how to grungy up a doll, this is a technique that I use.  But please practice first, so you don't ruin your dolls.

I have been using the brown shoe paste polish in can, that I purchase from Walmart, to help my get my dolls
a little grungier looking.

So here is how I get it look a little aged.  I start with muslin that has been dyed with the liquid tan Ritt dye. Just follow the manufacturer's instructions on the bottle. I finish my doll and have her looking like this.

First off, I blush the cheeks with dark powdered blush.

she now looks like this.

This is picture of the brown shoe paste polish I buy.

I like to use a wad of cotton or stuffing and wipe some paste onto the cotton.  Be careful, not to get too much on the cotton, you may streak your doll's face and ruin it.  So practice first.

Take your wad of cotton and lightly rub over the face and go in a circular motion on the cheeks.
Just lightly rub all over the face.

Hopefully you can tell the difference from this picture, from the unfinished to finished.

I like to lightly blush the back of the hands, then rub the polish over the hands and arms that are showing.

I painted the feet with black acrylic paint and sanded them lightly.

Rub over the legs with shoe paste polish, the same as for the rest of body.

Well, hope you can use this technique on your crafting.  I love be able to put shoe polish on the doll's clothes, you don't have to wait for it dry and can see immediate results with the polish. It has a smell for a couple of hours, then smell goes away.