Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome to our New blog for You are Special patterns

#312 Annie and Her Easter Eggs

Well, this is my first post here, I won't be posting a lot on this one, probably not more than once a week, this one is just for my new items I am going to add to the You are Special website, I kind of been a little lazy on this site. so I need to get busy adding more patterns.
I think I have finally managed to figure out e-patterns, I made up my first pattern called Annies Easter Eggs and I am offering here on the blog for $4.00.  this is a test run, so it you have any problems, just let me know. Just click on the side button on the blog for the pattern. This special price is only available on the blog for a limited time. It won't be added to my website until later on in the week.
On this blog, I am going to try to give you all some tips and techniques that I have learned through trial and error. I will also keep you up to date on new patterns on the You are Special pattern line.  I am going to try to have e-patterns available for any new patterns that come out.  I have a couple of new patterns coming out this month, the Annies and her eggs, Seasonal Annie: this pattern includes an Easter, Fall and Christmas version. 
I learned along time ago, that some things I took for granted when sewing, others didn't know or hadn't realized what I meant.  I once asked a friend to cut out some felt ornaments pieces, I told her I needed 2 of each one, thinking that she would place two pieces of the felt together and cut them out a one time, but no, she cut each piece out separately and needless to say, I didn't have any pieces that matched when I tried to handstitch them together. So now I try to be very concise when I give instructions to people to do handsewing and finished items.  But I have to say, I am very picky and don't like to have any one else sew for me as I like the way I finish items.  I tried it once and the shop keeper that wholesaled from me asked me if I sewed these.  So I learned the hard way.  Do it myself.

Some tips that might come in helpful:

1. When you want to pre-shrink fabric before cutting out your pattern, zig-zag or serge the raw edges of the fabric. This prevents the fabric from fraying in the wash.

2. When threading a needle, don't moisten the end of the thread as this will cause it to swell up and make the job more difficult.

3. Always wash your muslin before you dye it, this will help it absorb the dye better.

Some of the questions I have been asked is How do I tea-stain.  I used to use tea bags, but now I use the liquid tan Ritt dye in a bottle. I buy it at Walmart.  Just follow the instructions on the bottle.  Let it dry, I use the clothesline, iron it to get most of the wrinkles out when dry.  I make my doll, and if I want her a little more stained after I have finished her, I have a spray bottle with a mixture of coffee and water that I spray her down with.  Be sure you take a cloth and smooth her face good after you have sprayed her, her face won't be blotchy that way.  Another way is too lightly spray the body with coffee/water mixture and take a hot iron and iron it dry.  This will give it a grungier or dirtier look, but practice first.  This is the method I use on my stitcheries.  I stitch the design onto fabric backed with warm and natural.  Then take my spray mixture and spray on the stitched piece and iron it dry.  I keep spraying the areas I want darker and ironing them dry till I get the look the I want.

I just got my latest pattern finished, this one is going to be in the new issue of Country Sampler, I call her Seasonal Annie.  This pattern features a 20" raggedy with three different variations, fall, Christmas and Easter. I made quite a few of the gingerbread Annies at Christmas and sold them all as fast I put them out.

I will have a link on the side bar to purchase this pattern, I will have the e-pattern done in a day or so, the printed is available now. I am waiting on my webmaster to update my site for me. I have lots of new ideas and hope this year goes much better and I can get everything done that is on my list.  Which by the way, keeps growing every day. Check back tomorrow, I am trying to get a tutorial on how I attach my doll hair.
Thanks for reading.


  1. She is fantastic!! I especially love the Easter Annie. Great work (as always)! Thanks for sharing, Kim

  2. Sandy, thanks for offering the pattern for the seasonal Annie. I've been waiting for this one! I saw this doll in your Christmas craft fair photos and fell in love with it. This new blog really is "special". I know you have a lot of information to share.

  3. OH, i'm so glad you are doing this blog for all your customers and friends.. I've been one of your pattern buyers for longgggg time..
    Glad you're gonna have e-patterns.. Love your new dolls..

    I'll be watching for new patterns..

  4. Love this new blog and your patterns!! E-patterns will be great!

  5. This is fabulous Sandy... a blog just for your wonderful e-patterns!! Thank you for offering this for us :)
    Your Easter Annie is such a sweet dollie!!

  6. Great blog here. I love the colors. I also love the new pattern. I will get it when you have the e-pattern ready. Thanks for posting my giveaway. I post Carmin's give away on my blog. But haven't had alot of visitors, but I hope it directed some there. thanks again. I can wait for the tutorials. It will help with my doll hair. Thanks again.

  7. Sandy, I' love the new blog, I have so many of your patterns & they just keep getting better & better!

  8. Sandy, I am so glad that I found you. I have always loved your patterns. I just can't wait to see what you will post next! I love it! Thanks so much! Christina

    P.S. I tried to load your Valentine stitchery patterns and I just can't get it to come up. If you have any ideas would you please let me know.

  9. I love your new blog! I tried to 'follow' you, but it kept bringing up an error message. Don't know if anyone else is having trouble with it or not, but I just wanted to let you know. I put you in my blogroll so I can be updated on your posts. Thanks so much for the free downloadable tags! I already printed them out and will add it to my ever growing list of projects! =] Looking forward to all your new patterns!
