Friday, April 23, 2010

New Pattern and Beard Tutorial

Well, finally got another new pattern finished and my tutorial on Santa Beards done.  Here is my newest pattern. I call this one Christmas Cans.  I have a bunch of rusty cans sitting around, never used and wanted something quick and easy to put in them.  The label graphics are included in the pattern.  Click on the side button to purchase.

Here is the way I do my Santa beards,I doing a Santa makedo in this lesson:
Start with head already blushed and stained.

Take a small clump, and using a needle felting needle. Place the beard in the position you want and jab the needle up and down,until beard is secure.

Continue working on one side.

then go to other side and add a piece of beard.

I like to work, going back and forth to each side, to make sure I have it even.

Continue up the side of the heads.

When you get to top of the head, I fold it half and put a part in the middle, I needlefelt the middle of the strip of wool.  It looks like it is parted.

Continue down the side of the head.

Now for moustache, take a clump and find the middle.

And then lay it on the face, where you want the moustache to be and jab up and down with your needle until it is secure.

Now take a small piece for eyebrow, roll it in your fingers until is kind of tight. and place on the head and jab in to place.

now you see the completed head, ready for me to add the eyes.

Once I found the felting needle, I no longer hot glued the beards on. This is much easier.Hope this helps, if you have any questions, just let me know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Annie Pattern Available

I finally got another pattern ready.  I have been busy getting my new line ready for the Olde Country Cupboard site, that I neglected the You are Special site. I had new graphics added to this site. Hope you will go take a look.

This pattern is called #315 Annie's Lil' Frog.  She is about 16" tall and holds a little painted muslin frog.  I don't usually make spring patterns, I love making fall and winter items. But I have to say, I really like her. This is some fabric that I have had for years, back when my daughter was still young enough to like fabric like this. She is 19 years old, almost 20.

I have had a lot of people email about the yarn I use for doll hair. I buy my yarn at JoAnn's etc. I have put a picture of yarn below.  The color number is #135, two different styles by the same company. One is just a little thicker than the other.

Well, I still  have more dolls to get made, before I can get back to crafting for my shows. I will have a tutorial on Santa beards once I get caught on orders.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Free Stitchery pattern and Working on dolls

Been busy working on dolls, I remade my angel Annie doll for the newest issue of Country Sampler. It is amazing how just changing the dress can make a pattern look completely different. I have had several orders for her.

I had quite of few request for a tutorial on beards, that is next on the list.  So please keep watching, just have to get these dolls finished up and then I can start working on what I want to work on.

Just look in the side bar for the free pattern link to this pattern. Hope you enjoy.