Friday, April 23, 2010

New Pattern and Beard Tutorial

Well, finally got another new pattern finished and my tutorial on Santa Beards done.  Here is my newest pattern. I call this one Christmas Cans.  I have a bunch of rusty cans sitting around, never used and wanted something quick and easy to put in them.  The label graphics are included in the pattern.  Click on the side button to purchase.

Here is the way I do my Santa beards,I doing a Santa makedo in this lesson:
Start with head already blushed and stained.

Take a small clump, and using a needle felting needle. Place the beard in the position you want and jab the needle up and down,until beard is secure.

Continue working on one side.

then go to other side and add a piece of beard.

I like to work, going back and forth to each side, to make sure I have it even.

Continue up the side of the heads.

When you get to top of the head, I fold it half and put a part in the middle, I needlefelt the middle of the strip of wool.  It looks like it is parted.

Continue down the side of the head.

Now for moustache, take a clump and find the middle.

And then lay it on the face, where you want the moustache to be and jab up and down with your needle until it is secure.

Now take a small piece for eyebrow, roll it in your fingers until is kind of tight. and place on the head and jab in to place.

now you see the completed head, ready for me to add the eyes.

Once I found the felting needle, I no longer hot glued the beards on. This is much easier.Hope this helps, if you have any questions, just let me know.


  1. Awesome tutorial, thank you so very much!!!!!!

  2. Love the new patterns - can't wait to see them in person!!

  3. WOW! You have such wonderful tutorials. Thank you for taking your time to take photos, write instructions, etc. The new patterns are great too!! Take Care and God Bless, Donna,

  4. Love the pattern and thanks for the tutorial, your Santa's always look great.

  5. aww you make that look so easy LOL I have one of those needles but kinda scared of it LOL! here's a thought for you, how about a tutorial CD on all the things you teach us, we'd buy it, really we would LOL LOL

  6. I agree with Nanna. I would buy a CD with tutorials and ideas on how to do craftshows. Tee Hee!!!

  7. I would buy a CD. Love all of your tutorials. I have to ask since I've never done needle felting. So the beard will stay in place. You don't use any glue. wow, The santa looks easy to make since I'm not a super experienced sewer.
    again, thanks so much Sandy,
    Melanie ~~

  8. I was wondering how you did that. I so appreciate this tutorial. Because I've never done this before and didn't know how. Thanks, I also love the new patterns. You are so creative. Thanks so much for sharing with us how you do your dolls because it might help someone who has never done this before. You are awsome keep up the creative juices I love everything that you are creating. Have a great day. Pat vinson

  9. Want to buy your pattern but couldn't find it. What pattern is it, please. Also, what vendor do you buy your wool from?

  10. Where do you get your wool from?

  11. Hi Sandy--thanks for the tutorial on tea staining using the iron and also this one on needle felting--I haven't done it either and am glad to see how it's done---makes me want to jump in and get some ornies stained and santa's stuffed--thanks again---Jeanne
